Source code for molreps.graph

Main graph generator for making molecular graphs.

It uses networkx as graph interface and a mol object from rdkit, ase, pymatgen or similar.

# Necessary
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from molreps.methods.geo_npy import add_edges_reverse_indices
# Rdkit
    import rdkit
    import rdkit.Chem.Descriptors
    import rdkit.Chem.AllChem

    from molreps.methods.mol_rdkit import rdkit_atom_list, rdkit_bond_list, rdkit_bond_distance_list
    from molreps.methods.mol_rdkit import rdkit_mol_from_atoms_bonds, rdkit_add_conformer
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("Warning: Rdkit not found for mol class.")

# openbabel
    from openbabel import openbabel

    from molreps.methods.mol_pybel import ob_get_bond_table_from_coordinates
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("Warning: Openbabel not found for mol class.")


[docs] def rdkit_get_property_atoms(mol, key, prop, **kwargs): atom_fun_dict = { "AtomicNum": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetAtomicNum, "Symbol": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetSymbol, "NumExplicitHs": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetNumExplicitHs, "NumImplicitHs": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetNumImplicitHs, "IsAromatic": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetIsAromatic, "TotalDegree": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetTotalDegree, "TotalValence": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetTotalValence, "Mass": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetMass, "IsInRing": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.IsInRing, "Hybridization": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetHybridization, "ChiralTag": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetChiralTag, "FormalCharge": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetFormalCharge, "ImplicitValence": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetImplicitValence, "NumRadicalElectrons": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons, } if prop in atom_fun_dict: return rdkit_atom_list(mol, key, atom_fun_dict[prop]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Property", prop, "is not predefined, use custom function.")
[docs] def rdkit_get_property_bonds(mol, key, prop, **kwargs): bond_fun_dict = { "BondType": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond.GetBondType, "IsAromatic": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond.GetIsAromatic, "IsConjugated": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond.GetIsConjugated, "IsInRing": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond.IsInRing, "Stereo": rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond.GetStereo } if prop in bond_fun_dict: return rdkit_bond_list(mol, key, bond_fun_dict[prop]) elif prop == "Distance": return rdkit_bond_distance_list(mol, key, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("Property", prop, "is not predefined, use custom function.")
[docs] def rdkit_get_property_molstate(mol, key, prop, **kwargs): state_fun_dict = { "ExactMolWt": rdkit.Chem.Descriptors.ExactMolWt } if prop in state_fun_dict: return {key: state_fun_dict[prop](mol)} elif prop == "NumAtoms": return {key: mol.GetNumAtoms()} else: raise NotImplementedError("Property", prop, "is not predefined, use custom function.")
# Main class to make graph
[docs]class MolGraph(nx.Graph): """Molecular Graph which inherits from networkx graph.""" _mols_implemented = {'rdkit': { 'nodes': ["AtomicNum", "Symbol", "NumExplicitHs","NumImplicitHs","IsAromatic","TotalDegree", "TotalValence","Mass", "IsInRing","Hybridization", "ChiralTag", "FormalCharge", "ImplicitValence", "NumRadicalElectrons"], 'edges': ["BondType","IsAromatic","IsConjugated","IsInRing","Stereo","Distance"], 'state': ["NumAtoms", "ExactMolWt"]} } def __init__(self, mol=None, **kwargs): super(MolGraph, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.mol = mol # State Variable self._graph_state = {} self.mol_type = None if isinstance(mol, rdkit.Chem.Mol): self.mol_type = "rdkit" # Check for identifier def _make_edges(self, key, propy, **args): if self.mol_type == "rdkit": self.add_edges_from(rdkit_get_property_bonds(self.mol, key=key, prop=propy, **args)) else: raise ValueError("Property identifier is not implemented for mol type", self.mol_type) def _make_nodes(self, key, propy, **args): if self.mol_type == "rdkit": self.add_nodes_from(rdkit_get_property_atoms(self.mol, key=key, prop=propy, **args)) else: raise ValueError("Property identifier is not implemented for mol type", self.mol_type) def _make_state(self, key, propy, **args): if self.mol_type == "rdkit": self._graph_state.update(rdkit_get_property_molstate(self.mol, key=key, prop=propy, **args)) else: raise ValueError("Property identifier is not implemented for mol type", self.mol_type)
[docs] def make(self, nodes=None, edges=None, state=None ): """ Construct graph from mol instance. The input is a dictionary of properties to calculate. The dict-key can be chosen freely and will be graph attributes. The identifier is a string for built-in function e.g. 'proton'. Or if args have to be provided: key : {'class': identifier, 'args':{ args_dict }} Otherwise you can provide a custom method via the the identifier dict of the form: key : {'class': function/class, 'args':{ args_dict }} The callable object of 'class' must accept as first argument this instance. Then key=key and then additional args from 'args':{ args_dict }. Args: nodes (dict, optional): Properties for nodes. Defaults to {'proton' : "proton" } edges (dict, optional): Properties for edges. Defaults to {'bond': 'bond'} or {'distance': {'class': 'distance', 'args': {}} state (dict, optional): Properties for graph state. Defaults to {'size' : 'size'} Raises: AttributeError: If mol not found. ValueError: If identifier dict is incorrect. TypeError: If property info is incorrect. Returns: self: This instance. """ # Set defaults if None if self.mol is None: raise AttributeError("Initialize Molecule before making graph") if nodes is None: nodes = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['nodes'][0]] if edges is None: edges = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['edges'][0]] if state is None: state = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['state'][0]] # Make default keys if only list is inserted if isinstance(nodes, list) or isinstance(nodes, tuple): nodes_dict = {} for x in nodes: if isinstance(x, str): nodes_dict.update({x: x}) elif isinstance(x, dict): nodes_dict.update({x['class']: x}) else: raise ValueError( "Method must be single string or class dict but got", x) nodes = nodes_dict if isinstance(edges, list) or isinstance(edges, tuple): edges_dict = {} for x in edges: if isinstance(x, str): edges_dict.update({x: x}) elif isinstance(x, dict): edges_dict.update({x['class']: x}) else: raise ValueError( "Method must be single string or class dict serialized, but got", x) edges = edges_dict if isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, tuple): state_dict = {} for x in state: if isinstance(x, str): state_dict.update({x: x}) elif isinstance(x, dict): state_dict.update({x['class']: x}) else: raise ValueError( "Method must be single string or class dict but got", x) state = state_dict for key, value in nodes.items(): if isinstance(value, str): self._make_nodes(key, value) elif isinstance(value, dict): if 'class' not in value: raise ValueError(" 'class' method must be defined in", value) if isinstance(value['class'], str): args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} self._make_nodes(key, value['class'], **args) else: # Custom function/class here args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} value['class'](self, key=key, **args) else: raise TypeError( "Method must be a dict of {'class' : callable function/class or identifier, \ 'args' : {'value' : 0} }, with optional args but got", value, "instead") for key, value in edges.items(): if isinstance(value, str): self._make_edges(key, value) elif isinstance(value, dict): if 'class' not in value: raise ValueError(" 'class' method must be defined in", value) if isinstance(value['class'], str): args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} self._make_edges(key, value['class'], **args) else: # Custom function/class here args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} value['class'](self, key=key, **args) else: raise TypeError( "Method must be a dict of {'class' : callable function/class or identifier, \ 'args' : {'value' : 0} }, with optinal args but got", value, "instead") for key, value in state.items(): if isinstance(value, str): self._make_state(key, value) elif isinstance(value, dict): if 'class' not in value: raise ValueError(" 'class' method must be defined in", value) if isinstance(value['class'], str): args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} self._make_state(key, value['class'], **args) else: # Custom function/class here args = value['args'] if 'args' in value else {} value['class'](self, key=key, **args) else: raise TypeError( "Method must be a dict of {'class' : callable function/class or identifier, \ 'args' : {'value' : 0} }, with optinal args but got", value, "instead") return self
[docs] def to_tensor(self, nodes=None, edges=None, state=None, trafo_nodes=None, trafo_edges=None, trafo_state=None, default_nodes=None, default_edges=None, default_state=None, out_tensor=np.array ): """ Convert the nx graph into a dict of tensors which can be directly used for GCN. The desired attributes must be given with a suitable conversion function plus default value. Here, one can add also the type of tensor or one-Hot mappings etc. and its default/zero state, if the attributes is not specified for a specific node/edge. The properties are always mapped to numpy arrays and then converted to out_tensor. Args: nodes (list, optional): Nodes properties. Defaults to ['proton']. edges (list, optional): Edge properties. Defaults to ['bond']. state (list, optional): State Properties. Defaults to ['size']. trafo_nodes (dict, optional): Transformation function for nodes. Defaults to np.array. trafo_edges (dict, optional): Transformation function for edges. Defaults to np.array. trafo_state (dict, optional): Transformation function for state. Defaults to np.array. default_nodes (dict, optional): Zero Nodes properties. Defaults to np.array(0). default_edges (dict, optional): Zero Edge properties. Defaults to np.array(0). default_state (dict, optional): Zero State Properties. Defaults to np.array(0). out_tensor (func) : Final Function for each node/edge/state. Default is np.array. Returns: dict: Graph tensors as dictionary. """ if nodes is None: nodes = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['nodes'][0]] if edges is None: edges = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['edges'][0]] if state is None: state = [self._mols_implemented[self.mol_type]['state'][0]] if trafo_nodes is None: trafo_nodes = {} if trafo_edges is None: trafo_edges = {} if trafo_state is None: trafo_state = {} if default_nodes is None: default_nodes = {} if default_edges is None: default_edges = {} if default_state is None: default_state = {} for x in nodes: if x not in trafo_nodes: trafo_nodes[x] = np.array for x in edges: if x not in trafo_edges: trafo_edges[x] = np.array for x in state: if x not in trafo_state: trafo_state[x] = np.array for x in nodes: if x not in default_nodes: default_nodes[x] = np.array(0.0) for x in edges: if x not in default_edges: default_edges[x] = np.array(0.0) for x in state: if x not in default_state: default_state[x] = np.array(0.0) outn = [] oute = [] outs = [] out_a = nx.to_numpy_array(self) node_idx = np.array(list(self.nodes), edge_idx = np.array(list(self.edges), for i in node_idx: current_node = [] for key in nodes: if key in self.nodes[i]: current_node.append(trafo_nodes[key](self.nodes[i][key])) else: current_node.append(default_nodes[key]) outn.append(current_node) outn = np.array(outn) for i in edge_idx: current_edge = [] for key in edges: if key in self.edges[i]: current_edge.append(trafo_edges[key](self.edges[i][key])) else: current_edge.append(default_edges[key]) oute.append(current_edge) oute = np.array(oute) for key in state: if key in self._graph_state: outs.append(trafo_state[key](self._graph_state[key])) else: outs.append(default_state[key]) outs = np.array(outs) # Make un-directed and sort edges and edge_index outei, oute = add_edges_reverse_indices(edge_idx,oute) return {"nodes": out_tensor(outn), "edges": out_tensor(oute), "state": out_tensor(outs), "adjacency": out_tensor(out_a), "indices": out_tensor(outei)}
# m = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles("CC=O") # test = MolGraph(m) # test.make() # nx.draw(test, with_labels=True) # out = test.to_tensor()