Source code for molreps.methods.geo_npy

"""Molecular geometric feature representation based on numpy. 

a loose collection of functions.
Modular functions to compute distance matrix, angles, coordinates, connectivity, etc.
Many functions are written for batches too. Ideally all functions are vectorized.
Note: All functions are supposed to work out of the box without any dependencies, i.e. do not depend on each other.

import numpy as np

[docs]def coordinates_to_distancematrix(coord3d): """ Transform coordinates to distance matrix. Will apply transformation on last dimension. Changing of shape (...,N,3) -> (...,N,N) Arg: coord3d (np.array): Coordinates of shape (...,N,3) for cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) and N the number of atoms or points. Coordinates are last dimension. Returns: np.array: distance matrix as numpy array with shape (...,N,N) where N is the number of atoms """ shape_3d = len(coord3d.shape) a = np.expand_dims(coord3d, axis=shape_3d - 2) b = np.expand_dims(coord3d, axis=shape_3d - 1) c = b - a d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(c), axis=shape_3d)) return d
[docs]def invert_distance(d, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0): """ Invert distance array, e.g. distance matrix. Inversion is done for all entries. Keeping of shape (...,) -> (...,) Args: d (np.array): array of distance values of shape (...,) nan (value): replacement for np.nan after division, default = 0 posinf (value): replacement for np.inf after division, default = 0 neginf (value): replacement for -np.inf after division, default = 0 Returns: np.array: Inverted distance array as numpy array of identical shape (...,) and replaces np.nan and np.inf with e.g. 0 """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): c = np.true_divide(1, d) # c[c == np.inf] = 0 c = np.nan_to_num(c, nan=nan, posinf=posinf, neginf=neginf) return c
[docs]def inversedistancematrix_to_coulombmatrix(dinv, proton_number): """ Calculate Coulombmatrix from inverse distance Matrix plus nuclear charges/proton number. Transform shape as (...,N,N) + (...,N) -> (...,N,N) Args: dinv (np.array): Inverse distance matrix defined at last two axis. Array of shape (...,N,N) with N number of atoms storing inverse distances. proton_number (np.array): Nuclear charges given in last dimension. Order must match entries in inverse distance matrix. array of shape (...,N) Returns: np.array: Numpy array with Coulombmatrix at last two dimension (...,N,N). Function multiplies Z_i*Z_j with 1/d_ij and set diagonal to 0.5*Z_ii^2.4 """ shape_z = proton_number.shape a = np.expand_dims(proton_number, axis=len(shape_z) - 1) b = np.expand_dims(proton_number, axis=len(shape_z)) c = a * b coul = dinv * c indslie = np.arange(0, shape_z[-1]) coul[..., indslie, indslie] = np.power(proton_number, 2.4) * 0.5 return coul
[docs]def value_to_onehot(vals, compare): """ Convert array of values e.g. nuclear charge to one-hot representation thereof. a dictionary of all possible values is required. Expands shape from (...,) + (M,) -> (...,M) Args: vals (np.array): array of values to convert. compare (np.array): 1D-numpy array with a list of possible values. Returns: np.array: a one-hot representation of vals input with expanded last dimension to match the compare dictionary. Entries are 1.0 if vals == compare[i] and 0.0 else """ comp = np.array(compare, dtype=vals.dtype) vals_shape = vals.shape vals = np.expand_dims(vals, axis=-1) comp = np.broadcast_to(comp, vals_shape + comp.shape) # shape (1,1,...,M) out = np.array(vals == comp, dtype=np.float32) return out
[docs]def coulombmatrix_to_inversedistance_proton(coulmat, unit_conversion=1): """Convert a coulomatrix back to inverse distancematrix + atomic number. (...,N,N) -> (...,N,N) + (...,N) Args: coulmat (np.array): Full Coulombatrix of shape (...,N,N) unit_conversion (float) : Whether to scale units for distance. Default is 1. Returns: tuple: [inv_dist,z] - inv_dist(np.array): Inverse distance Matrix of shape (...,N,N) - z(np.array): Atom Number corresponding diagonal as proton number. """ indslie = np.arange(0, coulmat.shape[-1]) z = coulmat[..., indslie, indslie] z = np.power(2 * z, 1 / 2.4) a = np.expand_dims(z, axis=len(z.shape) - 1) b = np.expand_dims(z, axis=len(z.shape)) zz = a * b c = coulmat / zz c[..., indslie, indslie] = 0 c /= unit_conversion z = np.array(np.round(z), return c, z
[docs]def distance_to_gaussdistance(distance, bins=30, gauss_range=5.0, gauss_sigma=0.2): """Convert distance array to smooth one-hot representation using Gaussian functions. Changes shape for gaussian distance (...,) -> (...,GBins) The Default values match units in Angstroem. Args: distance (np.array): Array of distances of shape (...,) bins (int): number of Bins to sample distance from, default = 30 gauss_range (value): maximum distance to be captured by bins, default = 5.0 gauss_sigma (value): sigma of the gaussian function, determining the width/sharpness, default = 0.2 Returns: np.array: Numpy array of gaussian distance with expanded last axis (...,GBins) """ gamma = 1 / gauss_sigma / gauss_sigma * (-1) / 2 d_shape = distance.shape edge_dist_grid = np.expand_dims(distance, axis=-1) edge_gaus_bin = np.arange(0, bins, 1) / bins * gauss_range edge_gaus_bin = np.broadcast_to(edge_gaus_bin, np.append(np.ones(len(d_shape), dtype=np.int32), edge_gaus_bin.shape)) # shape (1,1,...,bins) edge_gaus_bin = np.square(edge_dist_grid - edge_gaus_bin) * gamma # (N,M,...,1) - (1,1,...,bins) edge_gaus_bin = np.exp(edge_gaus_bin) return edge_gaus_bin
[docs]def sort_distmatrix(distance_matrix): """ Sort a flexible shaped distance matrix along last dimension. Keeps shape (...,N,M) -> index (...,N,M) + sorted (...,N,M) Args: distance_matrix (np.array): Matrix of distances of shape (...,N,M) Returns: tuple: [sorting_index, sorted_distance] - sorting_index (np.array): Indices of sorted last dimension entries. Shape (...,N,M) - sorted_distance (np.array): Sorted distance Matrix, sorted at last dimension. """ sorting_index = np.argsort(distance_matrix, axis=-1) sorted_distance = np.take_along_axis(distance_matrix, sorting_index, axis=-1) return sorting_index, sorted_distance
[docs]def get_connectivity_from_inversedistancematrix(invdistmat, protons, radii_dict=None, k1=16.0, k2=4.0 / 3.0, cutoff=0.85, force_bonds=True): """ Get connectivity table from inverse distance matrix defined at last dimensions (...,N,N) and corresponding bond-radii. Keeps shape with (...,N,N). Covalent radii, from Pyykko and Atsumi, Chem. Eur. J. 15, 2009, 188-197. Values for metals decreased by 10% according to Robert Paton's Sterimol implementation. Partially based on code from Robert Paton's Sterimol script, which based this part on Grimme's D3 code Args: invdistmat (np.array): inverse distance matrix defined at last dimensions (...,N,N) distances must be in Angstroem not in Bohr protons (np.array): An array of atomic numbers matching the invdistmat (...,N), for which the radii are to be computed. radii_dict (np.array): covalent radii for each element. If default=None, stored values are used. Otherwise array with covalent bonding radii. example: np.array([0, 0.24, 0.46, 1.2, ...]) from {'H': 0.34, 'He': 0.46, 'Li': 1.2, ...} k1 (value): default = 16 k2 (value): default = 4.0/3.0 cutoff (value): cutoff value to set values to Zero (no bond) default = 0.85 force_bonds (value): whether to force at least one bond in the bond table per atom (default = True) Retruns: np.array: Connectivity table with 1 for chemical bond and zero otherwise of shape (...,N,N) -> (...,N,N) """ # Dictionary of bond radii # original_radii_dict = {'H': 0.34, 'He': 0.46, 'Li': 1.2, 'Be': 0.94, 'b': 0.77, 'C': 0.75, 'N': 0.71, 'O': 0.63, # 'F': 0.64, 'Ne': 0.67, 'Na': 1.4, 'Mg': 1.25, 'Al': 1.13, 'Si': 1.04, 'P': 1.1, 'S': 1.02, # 'Cl': 0.99, 'Ar': 0.96, 'K': 1.76, 'Ca': 1.54, 'Sc': 1.33, 'Ti': 1.22, 'V': 1.21, # 'Cr': 1.1, 'Mn': 1.07, 'Fe': 1.04, 'Co': 1.0, 'Ni': 0.99, 'Cu': 1.01, 'Zn': 1.09, # 'Ga': 1.12, 'Ge': 1.09, 'As': 1.15, 'Se': 1.1, 'Br': 1.14, 'Kr': 1.17, 'Rb': 1.89, # 'Sr': 1.67, 'Y': 1.47, 'Zr': 1.39, 'Nb': 1.32, 'Mo': 1.24, 'Tc': 1.15, 'Ru': 1.13, # 'Rh': 1.13, 'Pd': 1.19, 'Ag': 1.15, 'Cd': 1.23, 'In': 1.28, 'Sn': 1.26, 'Sb': 1.26, # 'Te': 1.23, 'I': 1.32, 'Xe': 1.31, 'Cs': 2.09, 'Ba': 1.76, 'La': 1.62, 'Ce': 1.47, # 'Pr': 1.58, 'Nd': 1.57, 'Pm': 1.56, 'Sm': 1.55, 'Eu': 1.51, 'Gd': 1.52, 'Tb': 1.51, # 'Dy': 1.5, 'Ho': 1.49, 'Er': 1.49, 'Tm': 1.48, 'Yb': 1.53, 'Lu': 1.46, 'Hf': 1.37, # 'Ta': 1.31, 'W': 1.23, 'Re': 1.18, 'Os': 1.16, 'Ir': 1.11, 'Pt': 1.12, 'Au': 1.13, # 'Hg': 1.32, 'Tl': 1.3, 'Pb': 1.3, 'Bi': 1.36, 'Po': 1.31, 'At': 1.38, 'Rn': 1.42, # 'Fr': 2.01, 'Ra': 1.81, 'Ac': 1.67, 'Th': 1.58, 'Pa': 1.52, 'U': 1.53, 'Np': 1.54, # 'Pu': 1.55} proton_raddi_dict = np.array( [0, 0.34, 0.46, 1.2, 0.94, 0.77, 0.75, 0.71, 0.63, 0.64, 0.67, 1.4, 1.25, 1.13, 1.04, 1.1, 1.02, 0.99, 0.96, 1.76, 1.54, 1.33, 1.22, 1.21, 1.1, 1.07, 1.04, 1.0, 0.99, 1.01, 1.09, 1.12, 1.09, 1.15, 1.1, 1.14, 1.17, 1.89, 1.67, 1.47, 1.39, 1.32, 1.24, 1.15, 1.13, 1.13, 1.19, 1.15, 1.23, 1.28, 1.26, 1.26, 1.23, 1.32, 1.31, 2.09, 1.76, 1.62, 1.47, 1.58, 1.57, 1.56, 1.55, 1.51, 1.52, 1.51, 1.5, 1.49, 1.49, 1.48, 1.53, 1.46, 1.37, 1.31, 1.23, 1.18, 1.16, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.32, 1.3, 1.3, 1.36, 1.31, 1.38, 1.42, 2.01, 1.81, 1.67, 1.58, 1.52, 1.53, 1.54, 1.55]) if radii_dict is None: radii_dict = proton_raddi_dict # index matches atom number # Get Radii protons = np.array(protons, radii = radii_dict[protons] # Calculate shape_rad = radii.shape r1 = np.expand_dims(radii, axis=len(shape_rad) - 1) r2 = np.expand_dims(radii, axis=len(shape_rad)) rmat = r1 + r2 rmat = k2 * rmat rr = rmat * invdistmat damp = (1.0 + np.exp(-k1 * (rr - 1.0))) damp = 1.0 / damp if force_bonds: # Have at least one bond maxvals = np.expand_dims(np.argmax(damp, axis=-1), axis=-1) np.put_along_axis(damp, maxvals, 1, axis=-1) # To make it symmetric transpose last two axis damp = np.swapaxes(damp, -2, -1) np.put_along_axis(damp, maxvals, 1, axis=-1) damp = np.swapaxes(damp, -2, -1) damp[damp < cutoff] = 0 bond_tab = np.round(damp) return bond_tab
[docs]def get_indexmatrix(shape, flatten=False): """ Matrix of indices with a_ijk... = [i,j,k,..] for shape (N,M,...,len(shape)) with Indexlist being the last dimension. Note: numpy indexing does not work this way but as indexlist per dimension Args: shape (list, int): list of target shape, e.g. (2,2) flatten (bool): whether to flatten the output or keep inputshape, default=False Returns: np.array: Index array of shape (N,M,...,len(shape)) e.g. [[[0,0],[0,1]],[[1,0],[1,1]]] """ indarr = np.indices(shape) re_order = np.append(np.arange(1, len(shape) + 1), 0) indarr = indarr.transpose(re_order) if flatten: indarr = np.reshape(indarr, (, len(shape))) return indarr
[docs]def coordinates_from_distancematrix(distance, use_center=None, dim=3): """Compute list of coordinates from a distance matrix of shape (N,N). Uses vectorized Alogrithm: no check of positive semi-definite or possible k-dim >= 3 is done here performs svd from numpy may even wok for (...,N,N) but not tested Args: distance (np.array): distance matrix of shape (N,N) with Dij = abs(ri-rj) use_center (int): which atom should be the center, dafault = None means center of mass dim (int): the dimension of embedding, 3 is default Return: np.array: List of Atom coordinates [[x_1,x_2,x_3],[x_1,x_2,x_3],...] """ distance = np.array(distance) dim_in = distance.shape[-1] if use_center is None: # Take Center of mass (slightly changed for vectorization assuming d_ii = 0) di2 = np.square(distance) di02 = 1 / 2 / dim_in / dim_in * (2 * dim_in * np.sum(di2, axis=-1) - np.sum(np.sum(di2, axis=-1), axis=-1)) mat_m = (np.expand_dims(di02, axis=-2) + np.expand_dims(di02, axis=-1) - di2) / 2 # broadcasting else: di2 = np.square(distance) mat_m = (np.expand_dims(di2[..., use_center], axis=-2) + np.expand_dims(di2[..., use_center], axis=-1) - di2) / 2 u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(mat_m) vecs = np.matmul(u, np.sqrt(np.diag(s))) # EV are sorted by default distout = vecs[..., 0:dim] return distout
[docs]def make_rotationmatrix(vector, angle): """ Generate rotationmatrix around a given vector with a certain angle. Only defined for 3 dimensions here. Args: vector (np.array, list): vector of rotation axis (3,) with (x,y,z) angle (value): angle in degrees ° to rotate around Returns: list: Rotation matrix R of shape (3,3) that performs the rotation with y = R*x """ angle = angle / 180.0 * np.pi norm = (vector[0] ** 2.0 + vector[1] ** 2.0 + vector[2] ** 2.0) ** 0.5 direction = vector / norm matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) matrix[0][0] = direction[0] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[1][1] = direction[1] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[2][2] = direction[2] ** 2.0 * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + np.cos(angle) matrix[0][1] = direction[0] * direction[1] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[2] * np.sin(angle) matrix[1][0] = direction[0] * direction[1] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[2] * np.sin(angle) matrix[0][2] = direction[0] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[1] * np.sin(angle) matrix[2][0] = direction[0] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[1] * np.sin(angle) matrix[1][2] = direction[1] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) - direction[0] * np.sin(angle) matrix[2][1] = direction[1] * direction[2] * (1.0 - np.cos(angle)) + direction[0] * np.sin(angle) return matrix
[docs]def rotate_to_principle_axis(coord): """Rotate a pointcloud to its principle axis. This can be a molecule but also some general data. It uses PCA via SVD from numpy.linalg.svd(). PCA from scikit uses SVD too (scipy.sparse.linalg). Note: The data is centered before SVD but shifted back at the output. Args: coord (np.array): Array of points forming a pointcloud. Important: coord has shape (N,p) where N is the number of samples and p is the feature/coordinate dimension e.g. 3 for x,y,z Returns: tuple: [R,rotated] - R (np.array): rotaton matrix of shape (p,p) if input has (N,p) - rotated (np.array): rotated pointcould of coord that was the input. """ centroid_c = np.mean(coord, axis=0) sm = coord - centroid_c zzt = (, sm)) # Calculate covariance matrix u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(zzt) # Alternatively SVD of coord with onyl compute vh but not possible for numpy/scipy rotated =, vh.T) rotshift = rotated + centroid_c return vh, rotshift
[docs]def rigid_transform(a, b, correct_reflection=False): """Rotate and shift pointcloud A to pointcloud B. This should implement Kabsch algorithm. Important: the numbering of points of A and B must match, no shuffled pointcloud. This works for 3 dimensions only. Uses SVD. Note: Explanation of Kabsch Algorithm: For further literature maybe work for (...,N,3), not tested Args: a (np.array): list of points (N,3) to rotate (and translate) b (np.array): list of points (N,3) to rotate towards: A to B, where the coordinates (3) are (x,y,z) correct_reflection (bool): Whether to allow reflections or just rotations. Default is False. Returns: list: [A_rot,R,t] - A_rot (np.array): Rotated and shifted version of A to match B - R (np.array): Rotation matrix - t (np.array): translation from A to B """ a = np.transpose(np.array(a)) b = np.transpose(np.array(b)) centroid_a = np.mean(a, axis=1) centroid_b = np.mean(b, axis=1) am = a - np.expand_dims(centroid_a, axis=1) bm = b - np.expand_dims(centroid_b, axis=1) h =, np.transpose(bm)) u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(h) r =, u.T) d = np.linalg.det(r) if d < 0: print("Warning: det(R)<0, det(R)=", d) if correct_reflection: print("Correcting R...") vt[-1, :] *= -1 r =, u.T) bout =, am) + np.expand_dims(centroid_b, axis=1) bout = np.transpose(bout) t = np.expand_dims(centroid_b -, centroid_a), axis=0) t = t.T return bout, r, t
[docs]def get_angles(coords, inds): """ Compute angeles between coordinates (...,N,3) from a matching index list that has shape (...,M,3) with (ind0,ind1,ind2). Angles are between ind1<(ind0,ind2) taking coords[ind]. The angle is oriented as ind1->ind0,ind1->ind2. Args: coords (np.array): list of coordinates of points (...,N,3) inds (np.array): Index list of points (...,M,3) that means coords[i] with i in axis=-1. Returns: list: [angle_sin,angle_cos,angles ,norm_vec1,norm_vec2] - angle_sin (np.array): sin() of the angles between ind2<(ind1,ind3) - angle_cos (np.array): cos() of the angles between ind2<(ind1,ind3) - angles (np.array): angles in rads - norm_vec1 (np.array): length of vector ind1,ind2a - norm_vec2 (np.array): length of vector ind1,ind2b """ ind1 = inds[..., 1] ind2a = inds[..., 0] ind2b = inds[..., 2] vcords1 = np.take_along_axis(coords, np.expand_dims(ind1, axis=-1), axis=-2) vcords2a = np.take_along_axis(coords, np.expand_dims(ind2a, axis=-1), axis=-2) vcords2b = np.take_along_axis(coords, np.expand_dims(ind2b, axis=-1), axis=-2) vec1 = -vcords1 + vcords2a vec2 = -vcords1 + vcords2b norm_vec1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec1 * vec1, axis=-1)) norm_vec2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec2 * vec2, axis=-1)) angle_cos = np.sum(vec1 * vec2, axis=-1) / norm_vec1 / norm_vec2 angles = np.arccos(angle_cos) angle_sin = np.sin(angles) return angle_sin, angle_cos, angles, norm_vec1, norm_vec2
[docs]def all_angle_combinations(ind1, ind2): """ Get all angles between ALL possible bonds also unrelated bonds e.g. (1,2) and (17,20) which are not connected. Input shape is (...,N). Note: This is mostly unpractical and not wanted, see make_angle_list for normal use. Args: ind1 (np.array): Indexlist of start index for a bond. This must be sorted. Shape (...,N) ind2 (np.array): Indexlist of end index for a bond. Shape (...,N) Returns np.array: index touples of shape (...,N*N/2-N,2,2) where the bonds are specified at last axis and the bond pairs at axis=-2 """ # For all angels between unconncected bonds, possible for (...,N) indb = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(ind1, axis=-1), np.expand_dims(ind2, axis=-1)], axis=-1) tils = [1] * (len(indb.shape) + 1) tils[-2] = ind1.shape[-1] b1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(indb, axis=-2), tils) tils = [1] * (len(indb.shape) + 1) tils[-3] = ind1.shape[-1] b2 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(indb, axis=-3), tils) bcouples = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(b1, axis=-2), np.expand_dims(b2, axis=-2)], axis=-2) tris = np.tril_indices(ind1.shape[-1], k=-1) bcouples = bcouples[..., tris[0], tris[1], :, :] return bcouples
[docs]def make_angle_list(ind1, ind2): """Generate list of indices that match all angles for connections defined by (ind1,ind2). For each unique index in ind1, meaning for each center. ind1 should be sorted. Vectorized but requires memory for connections Max_bonds_per_atom*Number_atoms. Uses masking Args: ind1 (np.array): Indexlist of start index for a bond. This must be sorted. Shape (N,) ind2 (np.array): Indexlist of end index for a bond. Shape (N,) Returns: out (np.array): Indexlist containing an angle-index-set. Shape (M,3) Where the angle is defined by 0-1-2 as 1->0,1->2 or 1<(0,2) """ # Get unique atoms as center for bonds n1_uni, n1_counts = np.unique(ind1, return_counts=True) # n1_multi = np.repeat(n1_uni, n1_counts) max_bonds = np.max(n1_counts) # Make a list with (N_atoms,max_bonds) with zero padding for less bonds plus mask # this is btab, btab_values where values have index2 btab = np.tile(np.expand_dims(np.arange(np.max(max_bonds)), axis=0), (len(n1_uni), 1)) btab = btab < np.expand_dims(n1_counts, axis=1) btab_flat = btab.flatten() btab_ind_flat = np.arange(len(btab_flat)) btab_ind_flat_activ = btab_ind_flat[btab_flat] btab_values_flat = np.zeros(len(btab_flat)) btab_values_flat[btab_ind_flat_activ] = ind2 btab_values = np.reshape(btab_values_flat, btab.shape) # Expand this padded list to a matrix (N_atoms, max_bonds, max_bonds, 2) # to have all combinations like distance matrix and last dim indices # Mask of this matrix must have left/upper blocks and a diagonal set to zero (no angle between same atom) btab_values1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(btab_values, axis=1), (1, max_bonds, 1)) btab_values2 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(btab_values, axis=2), (1, 1, max_bonds)) btab1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(btab, axis=1), (1, max_bonds, 1)) btab2 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(btab, axis=2), (1, 1, max_bonds)) btab_values = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(btab_values1, axis=-1), np.expand_dims(btab_values2, axis=-1)], axis=-1) btab_mat = np.logical_and(btab1, btab2) btab_mat[..., np.arange(0, max_bonds), np.arange(0, max_bonds)] = False # set diagonal to zero # Make the same matrix for the centers i.e. (N_atoms,max_bonds,max_bonds) # with (...,max_bonds,max_bonds) has index of axis=0 center_1 = np.tile(np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.arange(len(btab_mat)), axis=-1), axis=-1), (1, max_bonds, max_bonds)) # Take Mask to get a list of index couples. # The indices of bonds from center must be sorted to remove duplicates e.g. 0,2 and 2,0 will be same anlge center_1 = center_1[btab_mat] bcouples = btab_values[btab_mat] bcouples_sorted = np.sort(bcouples, axis=-1) out_ind = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(bcouples_sorted[:, 0], axis=-1), np.expand_dims(center_1, axis=-1), np.expand_dims(bcouples_sorted[:, 1], axis=-1), ], axis=-1) # remove duplicate 'angles' out = np.unique(out_ind, axis=0) return out
[docs]def define_adjacency_from_distance(distance_matrix, max_distance=np.inf, max_neighbours=np.inf, exclusive=True, self_loops=False): """ Construct adjacency matrix from a distance matrix by distance and number of neighbours. Works for batches. This does take into account special bonds (e.g. chemical) just a general distance measure. Tries to connect nearest neighbours. Args: distance_matrix (np.array): distance Matrix of shape (...,N,N) max_distance (float, optional): Maximum distance to allow connections, can also be None. Defaults to np.inf. max_neighbours (int, optional): Maximum number of neighbours, can also be None. Defaults to np.inf. exclusive (bool, optional): Whether both max distance and Neighbours must be fullfileed. Defaults to True. self_loops (bool, optional): Allow self-loops on diagonal. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: [graph_adjacency,graph_indices] - graph_adjacency (np.array): Adjacency Matrix of shape (...,N,N) of dtype=np.bool. - graph_indices (np.array): Flatten indizes from former array that have Adjacency == True. """ distance_matrix = np.array(distance_matrix) num_atoms = distance_matrix.shape[-1] if exclusive: graph_adjacency = np.ones_like(distance_matrix, dtype=np.bool) else: graph_adjacency = np.zeros_like(distance_matrix, dtype=np.bool) inddiag = np.arange(num_atoms) # Make Indix Matrix indarr = np.indices(distance_matrix.shape) re_order = np.append(np.arange(1, len(distance_matrix.shape) + 1), 0) graph_indices = indarr.transpose(re_order) # print(graph_indices.shape) # Add Max Radius if max_distance is not None: temp = distance_matrix < max_distance # temp[...,inddiag,inddiag] = False if exclusive: graph_adjacency = np.logical_and(graph_adjacency, temp) else: graph_adjacency = np.logical_or(graph_adjacency, temp) # Add #Nieghbours if max_neighbours is not None: max_neighbours = min(max_neighbours, num_atoms) sorting_index = np.argsort(distance_matrix, axis=-1) # SortedDistance = np.take_along_axis(self.distance_matrix, sorting_index, axis=-1) ind_sorted_red = sorting_index[..., :max_neighbours + 1] temp = np.zeros_like(distance_matrix, dtype=np.bool) np.put_along_axis(temp, ind_sorted_red, True, axis=-1) if exclusive: graph_adjacency = np.logical_and(graph_adjacency, temp) else: graph_adjacency = np.logical_or(graph_adjacency, temp) # Allow self-loops if not self_loops: graph_adjacency[..., inddiag, inddiag] = False graph_indices = graph_indices[graph_adjacency] return graph_adjacency, graph_indices
[docs]def geometry_from_coulombmat(coulmat, unit_conversion=1): """ Generate a geometry from Coulombmatrix. Args: coulmat (np.array): Coulombmatrix of shape (N,N). unit_conversion (value, optional): If untis are converted from or to a. Defaults to 1. Returns: list: [ats,cords] - ats (list): List of atoms e.g. ['C','C']. - cords (np.array): Coordinates of shape (N,3). """ # Does not require mol backend inference, just self.mol_from_geometry invd, pr = coulombmatrix_to_inversedistance_proton(coulmat, unit_conversion) dist = invert_distance(invd) cords = coordinates_from_distancematrix(dist) inverse_global_proton_dict = {1: 'H', 2: 'He', 3: 'Li', 4: 'Be', 5: 'b', 6: 'C', 7: 'N', 8: 'O', 9: 'F', 10: 'Ne', 11: 'Na', 12: 'Mg', 13: 'Al', 14: 'Si', 15: 'P', 16: 'S', 17: 'Cl', 18: 'Ar', 19: 'K', 20: 'Ca', 21: 'Sc', 22: 'Ti', 23: 'V', 24: 'Cr', 25: 'Mn', 26: 'Fe', 27: 'Co', 28: 'Ni', 29: 'Cu', 30: 'Zn', 31: 'Ga', 32: 'Ge', 33: 'As', 34: 'Se', 35: 'Br', 36: 'Kr', 37: 'Rb', 38: 'Sr', 39: 'Y', 40: 'Zr', 41: 'Nb', 42: 'Mo', 43: 'Tc', 44: 'Ru', 45: 'Rh', 46: 'Pd', 47: 'Ag', 48: 'Cd', 49: 'In', 50: 'Sn', 51: 'Sb', 52: 'Te', 53: 'I', 54: 'Xe', 55: 'Cs', 56: 'Ba', 57: 'La', 58: 'Ce', 59: 'Pr', 60: 'Nd', 61: 'Pm', 62: 'Sm', 63: 'Eu', 64: 'Gd', 65: 'Tb', 66: 'Dy', 67: 'Ho', 68: 'Er', 69: 'Tm', 70: 'Yb', 71: 'Lu', 72: 'Hf', 73: 'Ta', 74: 'W', 75: 'Re', 76: 'Os', 77: 'Ir', 78: 'Pt', 79: 'Au', 80: 'Hg', 81: 'Tl', 82: 'Pb', 83: 'Bi', 84: 'Po', 85: 'At', 86: 'Rn', 87: 'Fr', 88: 'Ra', 89: 'Ac', 90: 'Th', 91: 'Pa', 92: 'U', 93: 'Np', 94: 'Pu', 95: 'Am', 96: 'Cm', 97: 'Bk', 98: 'Cf', 99: 'Es', 100: 'Fm', 101: 'Md', 102: 'No', 103: 'Lr', 104: 'Rf', 105: 'Db', 106: 'Sg', 107: 'Bh', 108: 'Hs', 109: 'Mt', 110: 'Ds', 111: 'Rg', 112: 'Cn', 113: 'Nh', 114: 'Fl', 115: 'Mc', 116: 'Lv', 117: 'Ts', 118: 'Og', 119: 'Uue'} ats = [inverse_global_proton_dict[x] for x in pr] return ats, cords
[docs]def add_edges_reverse_indices(edge_indices, edge_values=None, remove_duplicates=True, sort_indices=True): """Add the edges for (i,j) as (j,i) with the same edge values. If they do already exist, no edge is added. By default, all indices are sorted. Args: edge_indices (np.array): Index list of shape (N,2). edge_values (np.array): Edge values of shape (N,M) matching the edge_indices remove_duplicates (bool): Remove duplicate edge indices. Default is True. sort_indices (bool): Sort final edge indices. Default is True. Returns: np.array: edge_indices or [edge_indices, edge_values] """ clean_edge = None edge_index_flip = np.concatenate([edge_indices[:,1:2] ,edge_indices[:,0:1]],axis=-1) edge_index_flip_ij = edge_index_flip[edge_index_flip[:,1] != edge_index_flip[:,0]] # Do not flip self loops clean_index = np.concatenate([edge_indices,edge_index_flip_ij],axis=0) if edge_values is not None: edge_to_add = edge_values[edge_index_flip[:,1] != edge_index_flip[:,0]] clean_edge = np.concatenate([edge_values,edge_to_add],axis=0) if remove_duplicates: un, unis = np.unique(clean_index, return_index=True, axis=0) mask_all = np.zeros(clean_index.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) mask_all[unis] = True mask_all[:edge_indices.shape[0]] = True # keep old indices untouched clean_index = clean_index[mask_all] if edge_values is not None: # clean_edge = clean_edge[unis] clean_edge = clean_edge[mask_all] if sort_indices: order1 = np.argsort(clean_index[:, 1], axis=0, kind='mergesort') # stable! ind1 = clean_index[order1] if edge_values is not None: clean_edge = clean_edge[order1] order2 = np.argsort(ind1[:, 0], axis=0, kind='mergesort') clean_index = ind1[order2] if edge_values is not None: clean_edge = clean_edge[order2] if edge_values is not None: return clean_index, clean_edge else: return clean_index